Thursday, November 6, 2008

Too Soon?

It's not too early to be putting Christmas colors on my blog and blasting christmas music through the house, is it? Because if it is, you're all over the fact that I'm already doing it! tee-hee!
(Also, it seems that this "Red" translates as "Burnt Orange" in which case, you'll get over that too.)


Steve & Julie said...

I know Nate love Christmas way early, too. I sort of like to wait until the day after Thanksgiving to be moving on to the next holiday. However, I ususally end up listening to Christmas music a tiny bit earlier than that. Do whatever you want though, of course!

Jilleen said...

We say bring it on sista! Julie is right- Christmas music is a rockin' at our house, too! We don't get the decorations out until after Thanksgiving, but Thanksgiving is actually the beginning of the "holidays", right? So why not enjoy it???