Eric got to come to the show last night and I think he enjoyed himself. He told me he cried several times, so I'll take that as a good sign. I felt like last night was one of our better shows and they fixed my costume so it's a lot more secure and comfortable so I can just focus on performing rather than keeping my clothes on! (my wrap fell off on stage on opening night!) So we took this picture of me and Eric on the mountains that I painted.

This is my friend Jolie who plays Mary in my cast. She's pretty much THE coolest girl ever. She's super talented and super gorgeous. I just LOVE her!

Oh, and her hair doesn't always look like that! This was after ACT II so she had to be aged. Luckily she took off her wrinkles before this pic. She shudders every time she looks in the mirror after aging herself! hahaha
We're kindred spirits. 'Nuf said.

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