At nearly 5 months, this little man weighs in somewhere about 19 pounds. He clearly has no problems eating and is also my one of the best sleepers in the house taking a 9 hour stretch at night! He is so happy most of the time and endures much abuse (a.k.a. Love) from his siblings.
Mom is still learning to manage home and family. I'm sure I'll get the hang of it within the next 20 years or so...
I could just eat these little thighs!
love. it.
I see it. I see the dragon! Tell Bryce he did a great job. That is so funny. :)
That is hilarious! I love it. Very creative:)
I can't get over how much Hudson looks like your dad!!! And Bryce looks like a cross between Matthew and Kyle!! The Holden genes run strong!
cuuee baby!!
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