Monday, January 18, 2010

King Morton

Bryce came home from kindergarten this week to tell me they had read a book about a "Real King" at school. Apparently, King Morton was a King who really lived. And someone shot him. They shot him with a real gun. And He DIED. And Monday is his birthday so we don't have to go to school.

Incredible. I don't think I ever learned about King Morton in elementary school, but what the hey?



Stephanie Salmon said...

LOL. What a great post. How come I am working on King Morton's birthday? That doesn't seem right. :)

Linda said...

I LOVED the story about King Morton. I have a 4 yr old grandson with me often and it surprises me what they come up with at that age. Enjoy your kids!!!

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Jess said...

Happy soon to be Birthday Bryce.