Someone please tell me where this last year went because I can't figure out how we went from this...

At Ruby's they surprised us with an ice cream and they all sang to him. As you can see, he was very confused...

Sadly, on occasion, I have been known to turn on a movie for Hudson while I put the other children to bed. We quickly found out the only movie he will sit through is "UP". So naturally, he had to have an UP cake for his Birthday.

He LOVED it!

L.O.V.E the cake and our little huddy!
Happy Birthday Hudson, so cute!!! I LOVE the cupcakes so cute and yummy looking! haha
I love that chubby little finger!
I can't believe how quick they grow up.
Nice job on the cupcakes. I know it's like a whole month and some days later but hey it still counts.
Oh and I need to see more posts!
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