ok Jessie I am finally getting to do this post. You have no idea how excruciatingly painful it has been to get all the photos and organize them in to a post on dial up speeds but it was actually really fun and quite surprising at times at what showed up in response to my answers to the questions! So here's the Photo tag: You have to take all these facts about yourself and type them into google image search and then pick your favorite pic from the first page of results only. Pretty fun.

Favorite Food:

First Job:


Where was I born:

Favorite Color:


Bad Habit:

Favorite Place:

Favorite Animal:

Past Love:

What am I doing right now:

Where I live:

Favorite Object:

Grandmother's name:

How old am I:

That's me in a nutshell?... Anyway, BECCA, CORTNEY, CHRISTI, LISA AND SEAN! I Choose You! And You better do it! (
Cortney...) I don't hand out my tags like pretzels...
What is your nickname????!!?!?! Gay-wad Mario and Luigi?
Ha ha, that is a funny comment. I am glad you did this post. It is alwasy a funny one :)
I feel I know you so much better now!! What is your nickname anyway??
NO!!! My nickname is BURLY thanks to your husband like 10 years ago CORTNEY.
Your new nickname shall be "MOWIGI" I like it!
Thanks! I love a good tag! And, yes, I am loving the argyle.
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