I am now Mary Magdalene! Our Stake is in it's second year of putting on Savior of the world and they began rehearsals back in August I believe. They called Eric and me last week because our stake president heard us sing in church a few weeks ago and called the producer, who then called us because they wanted us to fill some roles that they had that were still empty. So we auditioned last week and got the call that I will be playing Mary Magdalene and Eric will be an apostle. I know I can speak for both of us when I say that it has been way TOO long since we performed on stage! We are really excited to be a part of this show and can't wait to get into rehearsals on Thursday! Hopefully we'll be able to catch up with everyone else who has been rehearsing for months now. But it shouldn't be a problem. I mean, we are professionals after all. :) The show will run the 2nd week of December, running Every night of the week and then a matinee and evening show on Saturday the 13th. So if you can make it, we'd love to see you! It should be an awesome experience.
Flash backs to our nativity thing in Clovis where you sang that Mary song. You'll do great. I am sure you will sound beautiful. I still think of you everytime I hear that song!
Sounds like a great experience! You guys do have beautiful voices... you'll steal the show!!
Good for you. I know that you both love it so much, so it's great for you to be performing again.
Let the babysitting fest begin!
Wow, I'm impressed. I didn't even know you guys were performers. Good luck!
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